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How to install the project for your local environment

A small guide on how to get the Tool to work locally.

Local installation


  • Create a Firebase App. First create a project then create an web app in the project and you will see the config.
  • Store the config of Firebase in config/config-firebase.js (project settings => config)
  • Create an Algolia account and get the API configuration.
    • Algolia Admin API Key
    • Algolia Private key
    • Algolia public key.
  • Algolia Application Id and Algoliase search client should be in config/config-algolia.js
  • Algolia Admin key should be in algolia-secret-admin-api-key.txt
  • Algolia indexes should be created: dev_goals, dev_activities, dev-connections and dev_maps
  • Import index configurations from files in repo (config/algolia-indexes-config) in the algolia interface
  • Install Docker and Docker Compose

Installation steps:

  1. Run with Docker (first time it will take a while): docker-compose up -d

  2. In one terminal, go inside the svelte kit container:

  • docker ps
  • docker exec -it naabu_sveltekit_1 bash
  1. Install NPM packages from package.json.lock npm ci

  2. Run the Svelte Kit dev server in this container: npm run dev

  3. Open a new terminal and go inside the firebase emulator container docker exec -it naabu_firebase_1 bash and start the Firebase emulators:

npm run emulate

  1. Go to localhost:3000 and you should see the project and localhost:5001 to see the emulator UI of Firebase.

  2. Errors? Reach out on Discord for support or create an Github Issue.

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