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Guide to create a plugin.

Step 1

Create a directory in the plugin folder with your plugin-id.

Step 2

Create a config.js, Form.svelte a Render.svelte file.

Step 3

Create sensible config for your plugin.

Step 4

Create your Form.svelte:

Set values in the data. You can use the Storybook components but also create custom Svelte code. For example:

export let data;

<FormField labelPosition="top" title="NumberInput label">
  <NumberInput bind:value={data.number} step="0.5" />

Step 5

Create your Render.svelte:

Export the data and use the data to render your plugin.

For example:

  export let data;

  This is a number: {data.number}

In the Render.svelte you need top dispatch the end event when plugin is complete:

For example, with a button:

import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte";
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();

function end() {

<Button on:click={end} content="Continue" />

Step 6

To enable the button register the plugin in the plugin.js file:

Enable the plugin configuration:

export async function loadConfigAllPlugins() {
let plugins = [];
  plugins.push((await import("@plugins/<YOUR-PLUGIN-ID>/config.js")).default);
  return plugins;

Enable the Form.svelte and Render.svelte:

export async function loadPluginComponent(pluginId, svelteComponent = "Render") {
  if (pluginId == "<YOUR-PLUGIN-ID>") {
    if (svelteComponent === "Render") {
      return (await import("@plugins/<YOUR-PLUGIN-ID>/Render.svelte")).default;
    else if (svelteComponent === "Form") {
      return (await import("@plugins/<YOUR-PLUGIN-ID>/Form.svelte")).default;

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